Home School Agreement

Love Children, Love Learning

We aim

  • To provide all students with an equal opportunity to achieve their full academic, social and personal development.
  • To maintain a stimulating educational community which meets the needs of our individual students.
  • To ensure commitment to equality of opportunity for all, regardless of ability, race or gender, is shared by all and is central to all aspects
    of school life.
  • To actively involve students, staff, parents and members of the local community in the life of the school.
  • To give students an understanding of the changing society in which we live, so that they are equipped to make autonomous decisions, and
    cope with the demands of the modern world.
  • To ensure that we have high expectations of pupil’s progress in relation to their starting point.
  • To encourage pupil’s to show self-discipline and be responsible for the consequences of their actions.
  • To ensure high standards of attendance and punctuality.
  • To promote friendly and thoughtful behaviour towards others, and a positive attitude towards learning both inside and outside of the
  • To encourage a sense of achievement and a desire for students to fulfil their potential.
  • To build positive and effective working relationships with parents, and outside agencies.
  • Ensure the safety of our students.
  • Provide the necessary guidance and preparation for the transitional phases in a pupil’s educational and personal development.
    As a Parent/Carer I will:
  • Ensure my child attends school, on time and with the correct uniform, essential equipment and ready to learn.
  • Work with the school to ensure the appropriate behaviour of my child in school and the community.
  • Refrain from taking family holidays in term time, which affects the continuity of my child’s education.
  • Inform the school by 8.50am on the first day, by telephone, of my child’s absence and the reason for the absence.
  • Ensure I collect my child on time at the end of the school day and notify school if someone else is collecting them.
  • Exercise responsibility for my child outside school hours, ensuring that he/she travels to and from school in a safe manner.
  • Support the schools’ policies e.g., behaviour, home school agreement and uniform and ensure the significance of such documents is
    understood by my child.
  • Encourage my child to have pride in the school and to care for both the school environment and the community.
  • Inform the school of any information which might affect my child’s work or well-being.
  • Engage in parents’ evenings and meetings about my child’s progress.
  • Aid effective home school communication by checking the school website, text messages, Class DoJo, school newsletters. Respond to
    requests for information.
  • Label all of my child’s clothing.
  • Treat all school staff, visitors, children, and other parents with respect at all times.
  • Not air any concerns or disputes over social media.
  • Respect residents and highway parking restrictions around school.
    As a pupil I will:
  • Attend school, arrive on time, and ensure I am dressed in the correct uniform.
  • Follow reasonable instructions by school staff and follow school and classroom rules.
  • Discuss any problems with my Class Teacher or appropriate member of staff. If I am hurt by others I will ask for help.
  • Be mindful of the impact my behaviour can have on others.
  • Show respect and co-operation to all members of the school community.
  • Have respect for the work, property, and privacy of others.
  • Complete class work and homework to the best of my ability.
  • Take responsibility for my personal belongings.
  • Not bring into school any dangerous, illegal, or valuable items.
  • Take pride in the school and protect the environment by not dropping litter or damaging school property.
  • Behave in a sensible manner during break, lunchtimes and when travelling to and from school.
  • Walk about the school in safe and quiet way.
  • Follow the schools code of conduct at all times and act in a way which will bring credit to myself, my family and my school.
  • Co-operate with any arrangements that are made to support my behaviour and learning.
  • Be honest.
  • Believe in myself and develop a growth mindset