Student Leadership
At Two Gates We actively encourage children to have voice in their school experience and regularly make opportunities for them to talk about issues which are important to them, helping them relate these to wider events, past and present. Through this, pupils will learn how to influence their future in a positive way, developing character and citizenship.
Our Student Leadership Teams, consisting of Senior Student Leaders, who support whole school events; Eco Leaders; French Leaders; Science Leaders; Geography/History Leaders, Computing Leaders and PE Leaders are really successful in promoting their chosen specialist subjects throughout the school, by conducting pupil voice; organising subject specific events; leading playtime activities; delivering whole school messages and more.

Our Aim
In conjunction with other ATLP schools, we aim to empower students to work in partnership with each other and staff across the ATLP towards shared goals.
We provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging and valued projects which impact positively on learning, teaching and well-being for both students and staff across the partnership.
To achieve this, we run an application process every academic year, so that pupils have the opportunity to voice their suggestions for the subject they love and how they would develop these going forward. They are elected by their peers by democratic process, making a meaningful link to the British Value: DEMOCRACY.
Our Senior Student Leaders consist of two year-five children and two year-six children. The senior student leaders are chosen by staff and stay in their position until they leave Two Gates at the end of year 6.